Saturday, June 16, 2007


So here are some comments, along with commentary to and from JD. "Anonymous" makes a couple points worth noting. Read on:

Anonymous said...
Gotta' admit...I am disappointed in your post on Iran.

Our concern with Iran is Ahmadinejad, nukes, the Islamic fascists and their destabilizing effects on the region and world. They are truly an oppressive brutal group, don't get me wrong on that...but your post is off base. Hope I am not sounding too "intolerant" for you JD.

I cringe whenever I read the word "intolerant" (or any variation thereof). Combine that with your "porn is free speech" crap and welcome to PC land my good man! The ACLU, great defenders of child porn and NAMBLA, would be proud.

Your "speech" and tolerance rant is defending what? Porn? has destroyed so many, many individuals: those directly being used (and thrown away) by the industry and those countless more who are addicted to the crap (not to mention the destroyed marriages, families and violent crime). Though I am inclined to agree that capital punishment...may(?) a bit "cruel and unusual" here...with, perhaps, the exception of the sick ba$tards that publish the "rape" and child porn. Clearly, we have become a use and throw away society with disposable babies (oops fetuses or embryos...sorry) & disposable adults (oops vegetative Terry Schiavo's), etc.. We use people, love things and worship ourselves. on a jag...bottom line...Porn degrades and dehumanizes.

Let's get back to your other point of confusion Mr. Flynt. The filming and distribution of immoral, abusive and shamefully degrading treatment, of primarily women and children, is NOT a "free speech" issue. The first amendment was never intended to protect ALL "speech," including obscenity. Ever heard of that free speech called slander or libel? Oh can go to jail for that too. Never mind. But...if you want to show a horse and a young lady getting friendly...well hey...go for's America dammit...not Iran. Any half-wit, myself included, who gives our founding father's materials an honest read can see that.

I suppose the delegates in Massachusetts were really pro-same sex marriage but simply forgot to include that in their state constitution. Just gotta hate those typo's. It was in there somewhere..oh yeah....right after the "our Creator" section. So much absolute evil has been justified by our socially liberal friends based on "rights" and "penumbras" (i.e. Roe v many millions of pre-born?) and the imaginary "separation of church from state." of those jag things again.

Please be clear on this...I am not using this to justify any Saddam type death squads or the murder of abortionists, etc. But right is right and wrong is wrong. Porn is wrong.

June 15, 2007 10:56 PM

JD's Page said...
My commentary was not on porn. The gist was the “blind eye,” “see-no-evil“ attitudes of people who stomp on us for “oppression”, when our tolerance of expression is clearly the most beautiful of rights. I have no commentary endorsing or condemning porn. Your porn could be my adult entertainment which could be someone else’s Sears Catalog which could be another’s chat with their prepubescent child. To echo a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, I don’t know how to describe it, but I know it when I see it (paraphrased).

I’m also not here to advance my “moral agenda.” That bit of wisdom is between me, God and my children. I’m interested in being as tall to them as God will allow. As for judgment, I thank God for giving me a fair amount of it, and for showing me how to reserve plenty of it.

My post is also a continuation of a point (made in several previous posts) on how the left pounds on human rights (that would be women’s rights) right hear in the States, yet call the Iranian government, et al., friends, and Ahmadinejad a peach.

You pulled a lot of emotional debate from my 164 words on Iran…enough to address me as Mr. Flynt. I guess I admire your imagination.

Thanks for the comment. I truly do appreciate it!


June 16, 2007 12:01 AM

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your post and follow up.

The Flynt comment was, dare I say it given the topic, "tongue-in-cheek" for fun. I am, indeed, very passionate about such topics. These are, and should be, emotional issues. Not in the sense of irrational & out of control, but in the "be angry, but do not sin" sense. They should be front and center.

Back to your post. Agreed. I intentionally took your commentary in a complete 180. I do not disagree that our precious liberties are being challenged and are shrinking before our very eyes. As much as I would love to see the "God Hates Fags" Westboro Baptist folks beaten, it is indeed their right to spew their nonsense or someone else's right to worship allah, etc. I also agree, though I did not read your previous posts, with the fact that the left is amazingly hypocritical on most issues, especially on "human rights."

But you miss and make my point. You speak of the blind eye and see-no-evil and go on to say, "Your porn could be my adult entertainment..." yada yada yada... Talk about "slipping," "blind eye," and "see-no-evil"...WOW! The what "consenting people [don't need to be adults anymore] do behind closed doors" crowd would be proud. Again, you land in the ACLU's court. You gotta keep better company. You talk from the "right" (politically) but your arguments sure sound like the morally bankrupt left. The standard fair from the left, for example, is I am personally against abortion, but believe in a women's right to choose...gag me.

Our freedoms and the "most beautiful of all rights" are ours solely because the constitution and laws of the great country are founded on very specific beliefs. The Judeo-Christian heritage held by most of our founding fathers is the elephant in the room that too many simply choose to turn a blind eye to or to rewrite and deny. The fact that laws must be based on a rock-solid moral foundation is lost on too many. If law is based on a 60s feel good, relative morality, we are, as a society, toast. You must draw a line in the sand. This requires discernment, not the nasty PC "judgement" word you use.

I applaud your teaching your children right and wrong and about God. Christ called us to be "salt and light" and to hang our "lamp stand" high so our light shines, not to place it "under a basket" where no one will see it.

In short, you cannot separate your morals from your politics, JD.

June 16, 2007 10:14 AM

JD's Page said...
If there is one attribute I universally admire in this wonderful world, it is informed passion! You apparently have an abundance.

Thanks for the lecture, but I’m going to hang my “lamp stand” high and tell you…I’m not looking to live up (or down) to your moral code.

On your abortion point and what you see as one of the Left’s hypocrisies; conversely, I don’t call myself pro-life and then cheer for the death penalty. Real world observation?...even some morals are interpretable.

Political correctness works in all directions, which is one of the reasons I don’t much care for it. I’m not going to choose my words to dance around anyone else’s perception of what’s correct and what’s not, “politically” or otherwise. You see, I don’t live my life to satisfy anyone’s code. I base my life and politics on truths as I’ve learned them whether biblically or constitutionally. And the learning never stops. When sense (God’s hand?) tells me I’ve mistaken, I adjust. You may accuse me then, of exercising “relative morality.” I’ve seen too many definitions of morality to think it is not relative. I’ve seen too many hypocrites to think it is not relative…especially on the right.

I appreciate and respect your thoughts and opinions, but they seem a little sanctimonious for me to incorporate.

You said in one sentence that we (I?) “Must draw a line in the sand and that this requires ‘discernment,’ not the nasty PC ‘judgment’ word." Discernment, judgment…semantics. You kind of tackle your own point there. Besides, I never was one for “lockstep,” so if someone dismisses some of my language as PC, I don’t consider that a good reason to change it.

I also want to point to what hopefully is obvious; the Right doesn’t own the moral code. I’ve known too many of these people (at all official, socio-economic and religious levels) to know better…here’s a cliché for you, I wasn’t born yesterday.

I wouldn’t live with the attitude that “if you don’t agree with me, you’re wrong.” I couldn’t learn a thing that way.

I truly appreciate your input. Keep on coming on!

You’re stimulating and fun! (Stimulating isn’t a dirty word, is it?) Just had to take that poke…

Thanks again,


Friday, June 15, 2007


ABC’s Terry Moran was interviewing Michael Moore and this is a bit of what was said.

Moore : “I’m not a proselytizer.” Moore has been proselytizing, at least politically, his whole life. He calls his new film, SICKO, a statement of faith for him. He continued, “This film is coming from a very deep place, a very spiritual place and a very spiritual place that I believe as a Christian and a Catholic, that it’s a responsibility to make sure that, not only that I’m covered, if something happens to me, but that everyone else is covered.”

Moran : “Is the source of that fearing, is it religious for you, is it your faith?”

Moore : “It is, absolutely.”

JD : You believe this crap?!


Sen. Harry Reid called General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and General David Petraeus, Iraq overall Commander, incompetent. The man who calls two of our finest soldiers “incompetent” during wartime, while trying to defund troops who are fighting, literally to their deaths, for us abroad, looks like this to the American Public;

Approval ratings according to the most recent Rasmussen Poll:

Paris Hilton – 12%
Harry Reid – 19%
Lindsey Lohan – 20%
Dick Cheney – 38%

Among this crew, only Paris is lower in the eyes of Americans.


William Jefferson: "I have supported every ethics and lobbying reform measure that you and our Democratic Majority have authored."

Congressman William Jefferson was taped accepting a $100,000 cash bribe, $90,000 of which was found in his freezer. Louisville businessman Vernon Jackson pled guilty to paying $400,000 to Jefferson in bribes. The good Congressman faces over 16 counts of bribery, fraud, public corruption, money laundering and racketeering outlined in a 95 page indictment… and 235 years in prison.


In the Democrat’s last presidential “debate”, Delaware Sen. Joe Biden spoke the unthinkable, putting him to the right of almost all Democrats in Congress. He said he wouldn’t vote against funds for the Iraq war effort while Americans were in harm’s way. Whoa! I don’t much like old Joe, but I’ll give him the credit he deserves for standing on his principal, not that of his Party.


As Robert Novak has pointed out, if Bush is willing to pardon 12 million illegal aliens, what’s the big dilemma in pardoning Scooter Libby?


Commencement weekend at the University of California, Los Angeles, sounds like a scheduling nightmare. There are many different graduations taking place as so many ethnic, racial and social groups are allowed to hold their own ceremonies. Here is a sampling:

Chicano/Chicano studies graduation
Women’s studies graduation
Filipino graduation
Vietnamese graduation
Asian-Pacific Islanders graduation
Hispanic graduation, “Raza”
American Indian graduation
Asian graduation
Gay graduation
Lavender (Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender) graduation

As John Leo writes in the City Journal, “Some students are presumably eligible for four or five graduations. A gay student with a Native American Father and a Filipino Mother could attend the Asian, Filipino and American Indian ceremonies, plus the mainstream graduation and the Lavender Graduation for Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered students.”

Then there’s the usually impersonal “regular” graduation.

Our liberal college and university administrators and profs preach assimilation and integration all day long, but it sure isn’t what’s tolerated on campus.


Ps. has taken over a million orders for the new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and won’t make a profit. They are discounting the book by $17 and offering free shipping. Go for it kids…of all ages.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Iran’s parliament earlier today voted 148-5 in favor of a bill stating that “producers of pornographic works and main elements in their production are considered corruptors of the world and could be sentenced to punishment as corruptors of the world.” In Iran, under their Islamic Penal Code, these offenses could carry the death penalty. Producers, directors, cameramen, writers, stagehands, distributors and actors involved with porn can be executed in Iran under this law. Sounds a bit harsh, but if you’ve followed my coverage of Iran’s intolerant society, you’ll know that death squads can, and do, execute people, and in the cruelest ways, for offenses as terrible as holding hands in public.

The bill also allows sentences of from one year in prison, to death for producers of Web sites in which the pornographic material would appear. Also DVDs and CDs. So if you’re involved in such a Web site that has exposure in Iran (kind of hard to avoid) you could be liable.

Now Let’s Compare:

In other censorship news, the town of Delcambre, LA has decided on an ordinance setting penalties of up to six months in jail and a $500 fine for wearing your pants low. Mayor Carol Broussard said you could be in trouble if you show undergarments or certain parts of your body. Six months in jail for showing your underwear?! Our own little Iranian slice of heaven right here in Louisiana, USA.

An article in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel today, tells us that, In yet more censorship news, the elected Broward County government has balked at renewing their contract with WIOD, AM 610 radio, as the official emergency information station for the County. They don’t want the station to broadcast hurricane information and warnings to the citizens of Fort Lauderdale and surrounding areas because – ready for this? -- the station airs talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Our own little slice of North Korea right here in Florida, USA.

The City of Seattle is considering banning employees from making microwave popcorn. A memo from the Fleets and Facilities Department said that smoke from burning popcorn has caused costly building evacuations in recent years. Our own little slice of, well, Seattle!

Still not as bad as Iran, but you see where we’re drifting.


Anonymous said...
Gotta' admit...I am disappointed in your post on Iran.

Our concern with Iran is Ahmadinejad, nukes, the Islamic fascists and their destabilizing effects on the region and world. They are truly an oppressive brutal group, don't get me wrong on that...but your post is off base. Hope I am not sounding too "intolerant" for you JD.

I cringe whenever I read the word "intolerant" (or any variation thereof). Combine that with your "porn is free speech" crap and welcome to PC land my good man! The ACLU, great defenders of child porn and NAMBLA, would be proud.

Your "speech" and tolerance rant is defending what? Porn? has destroyed so many, many individuals: those directly being used (and thrown away) by the industry and those countless more who are addicted to the crap (not to mention the destroyed marriages, families and violent crime). Though I am inclined to agree that capital punishment...may(?) a bit "cruel and unusual" here...with, perhaps, the exception of the sick ba$tards that publish the "rape" and child porn. Clearly, we have become a use and throw away society with disposable babies (oops fetuses or embryos...sorry) & disposable adults (oops vegetative Terry Schiavo's), etc.. We use people, love things and worship ourselves. on a jag...bottom line...Porn degrades and dehumanizes.

Let's get back to your other point of confusion Mr. Flynt. The filming and distribution of immoral, abusive and shamefully degrading treatment, of primarily women and children, is NOT a "free speech" issue. The first amendment was never intended to protect ALL "speech," including obscenity. Ever heard of that free speech called slander or libel? Oh can go to jail for that too. Never mind. But...if you want to show a horse and a young lady getting friendly...well hey...go for's America dammit...not Iran. Any half-wit, myself included, who gives our founding father's materials an honest read can see that.

I suppose the delegates in Massachusetts were really pro-same sex marriage but simply forgot to include that in their state constitution. Just gotta hate those typo's. It was in there somewhere..oh yeah....right after the "our Creator" section. So much absolute evil has been justified by our socially liberal friends based on "rights" and "penumbras" (i.e. Roe v many millions of pre-born?) and the imaginary "separation of church from state." of those jag things again.

Please be clear on this...I am not using this to justify any Saddam type death squads or the murder of abortionists, etc. But right is right and wrong is wrong. Porn is wrong.

June 15, 2007 10:56 PM

JD's Page said...
My commentary was not on porn. The gist was the “blind eye,” “see-no-evil“ attitudes of people who stomp on us for “oppression”, when our tolerance of expression is clearly the most beautiful of rights. I have no commentary endorsing or condemning porn. Your porn could be my adult entertainment which could be someone else’s Sears Catalog which could be another’s chat with their prepubescent child. To echo a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, I don’t know how to describe it, but I know it when I see it (paraphrased).

I’m also not here to advance my “moral agenda.” That bit of wisdom is between me, God and my children. I’m interested in being as tall to them as God will allow. As for judgment, I thank God for giving me a fair amount of it, and for showing me how to reserve plenty of it.

My post is also a continuation of a point (made in several previous posts) on how the left pounds on human rights (that would be women’s rights) right hear in the States, yet call the Iranian government, et al., friends, and Ahmadinejad a peach.

You pulled a lot of emotional debate from my 164 words on Iran…enough to address me as Mr. Flynt. I guess I admire your imagination.

Thanks for the comment. I truly do appreciate it!


June 16, 2007 12:01 AM

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Ten things your President and Congress hope you don’t know about the immigration bill currently on the table (Remember, we’re talking about the fate of 12-20 million current illegal aliens and countless aliens sure to follow). This “Top Ten” was excerpted from a compilation by Kris W. Kobach and Matthew Spalding of the Heritage Foundation.

1. To qualify for a Z visa, an illegal alien only needs to have a job (or be the parent, spouse, or child of someone with a job) and present two documents “suggesting” that he or she was in the country before January 1, 2007. These documents could be something as simple as a bank statement, pay stub or other easily forged items. The cost is $3,000, or $5,000 for a family of five.

2. The Z visa is called a “temporary” visa, though it can be renewed every four years until the visa holder dies. It’s also a “super-visa,” allowing the holder to work, attend college, travel abroad and reenter. A lot of legal immigrants would love to have this type of visa but, unfortunately, only illegal aliens qualify. Illegal aliens don’t have to return to their country of origin for a Z visa, either.

3. The government only has one day to conduct a background check. This despite the fact that a lot of information on aliens is in paper form and some is held in other countries. If the government can’t find a reason to not grant the visa by the end of the next business day, the illegal will be granted a probationary Z visa good for six months, allowing him to roam throughout the country and work legally.

4. Fugitives who have been ordered deported by an immigration judge, but chose to ignore the order (absconders), are extended amnesty. They can apply for a Z visa if they can demonstrate departure from the U.S. “would result in extreme hardship to the alien or the alien’s spouse, parent or child.”

5. If an alien is in the process of immigration proceedings, a judge must shut down all proceedings and offer the illegal alien an opportunity to apply for amnesty.

6. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would transform from a law-enforcement agency to an amnesty distribution center. If an ICE agent apprehends aliens who appear to be eligible for Z visas, he cannot detain them. He must, instead, provide them an opportunity to apply for a Z visa.

7. Gang members will be eligible for amnesty. If the 30,000 illegal alien gang members (MS – 13) who traffic in drugs, arms and people want amnesty, they only need to note gang membership and sign a “renunciation of gang affiliation.”

8. The Senate bill effectively repeals a 1996 federal law that prohibits any state from offering in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens.

9. The new bill would allow millions of illegal aliens who work in agriculture to receive free legal services. Every illegal alien in the agriculture sector would have access to an immigration attorney.

10. Allows probationary Z visas to be issued immediately and prevents the government from waiting more than 180 days after enactment to issue them.


Anonymous said...
Hey JD...not a comment on your immigration piece...looking for your thoughts on the following tidbit:

Planned Parenthood pocketed $305 million of taxpayers' money in its last fiscal year, but did not refer a single girl to adoption services. In fact, "adoption" didn’t even appear in the abortion giant’s annual report.

In the 2004 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood reported that it referred nearly 1,500 clients to adoption agencies. But in its latest annual report, covering fiscal year 2005-2006, Planned Parenthood reported nearly 300,000 abortions, yet no adoption referrals.

June 14, 2007 6:58 PM

JD's Page said...
Planned Perenthood is all about the abortion industry. If you look at their Web site and click on Heath Information/Abortion, you'll see they site 15-40% of all pregnancies ends in "spontanious" abortion. 15-40% is a huge range to not be sure of. They're happy to tell us there are 1.5 million "induced" abortions a year. They also say abortion was "common" among Native Americans. How do they know that's true and what is the definition of "common?" There is no shortage of abortion info for women and girls of all ages. They're also quite indignant (according to their own site) that some agencies would try and talk a woman out of an abortion. We could go on and on, but PP speaks for itself.


June 14, 2007 9:50 PM

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Live Earth. Just what we need, another rock concert to save the world! In case you haven’t bought your $99 ticket yet, the Live Earth concerts, which will take place at nine venues across the globe, will play on July 7 to raise awareness of global warming.

Apparently, not too many people are aware of global warming yet. I’m sure there is a tribe somewhere deep in the Amazon Basin that is not quite up to speed on the crisis of the day and will surely tune in their TV sets to watch the Red Hot Chili Peppers. That, of course, will depend on whether evil Western industrialists have managed to decimate that rainforest by July 7. Maybe if we keep their power lines intact…well, just a thought.

So much energy to burn, so little time. The massive concert will feature over 150 acts on six continents. Organizers – The lead organizer being Al gore – have promised an event in Antarctica also (someone has a big penguin following, I suppose). The individual venues will be in New York, London, Tokyo, Shanghai, Johannesburg, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro, Hamburg and Istanbul.

One act that won’t be there is The Who. The Who’s Roger Daltry has declined an invitation to participate saying “The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert…I can’t believe it. Let’s burn even more fuel.” Daltry went on to say “We have problems with global warming, but the questions and the answers are so huge I don’t know what a rock concert’s ever going to do to help.”

Rocker Sir Bob Geldof, who has performed at Band Aid and who organized Live Aid and Live 8, doesn’t seem to think too highly of the idea either. According to “,” Geldof is apparently “furious” at being linked to Al Gore’s Live Earth, calling it a “waste of time.”

The usual “feel good crowd” of entertainers will use nearly immeasurable amounts of energy to lure at least half a million concertgoers to another self promoting ego-fest to accomplish absolutely nothing.

Imagine the amount of fuel burned for the hundreds of private aircraft that will be used to transport these eco-minded, yet gluttonous and conspicuously consuming egos. Not to mention the transportation of hundreds of thousands of fans. They will no doubt have to use a very large amount of energy for building elaborate stages, lights, cameras and all the other stuff it takes for another self promotion of Cold Play, Keane, Madonna, etc.

Then think of the hoards of celebrities who will be making the trek in order to get their mugs on Television or in a magazine shot.

Throw in the endless stream of politicians from all around the world who will be at the events glad handing and sucking up for votes and campaign contributions. Lots and lots of private jets, motorcades, air conditioning, trailers, trucks, and entourages…add to that these people’s families and friends (groupies). Now pour on the endless stream of media that will be there for basically two reasons; for the self righteousness of it (feel good aspect), and the idol worship. They will actually think they’ve made a difference. More jets, cars, trucks, helicopters, motor homes, etc.

Michelle Griffin, editor of M, points to the obvious saying “That’s not only a waste of time but a gross indulgence. It’s just a green rubber bracelet to string on your arm next to the white rubber band that will magically make poverty history, and the yellow one that cures cancer.” I couldn’t have said it any better myself.

It’s also true when Ms. Griffin tells us that pop stars have just about exhausted their credibility, telling us to “cancel Third World debt, adopt Africans and feed the world, while leading lives of conspicuous consumption.” (the adoption of Africans is my personal favorite fad these days)

According to Ms. Griffin, Dr. Keith Tovey, a climate change researcher from the University of East Anglia, estimated that the Wembley (England) concert alone could churn out 3000 tons of carbon.

These people are going to be producing a tremendous amount of greenhouse gasses to tell us we produce too much greenhouse gas.

Why not just write a check and do some genuine good for someone? The answer is all too clear!


Sunday, June 10, 2007


I finally got around to watching the Republican Presidential Candidates’ debate on CNN. It was another horribly scripted meeting of the ten current “contestants” who faced a lot of very stupid questions from the likes of Wolf Blitzer. Here’s how it generally went down:

First of all, so few people are interested in this circus at this early stage of the contest, with so many contestants, that the exercise seems nearly unproductive.

As in the Democrats’ debate, there were several dozen ordinary “undecided” voters in the audience to question the contestants after the stupid barrage of queries from Blitzer and Co. The people in the audience may or may not have been the same type of BB brains that were sitting in the Democratic debate audience. This group’s questions certainly weren’t as emotional, therefore allowing them to be more substantive and educated. But we got to hear from a couple of people who’s level of knowledge about what goes on in our Country appeared a little low, to the point that maybe they shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Yikes!

The only female Republican Candidate, Sen. Ron Paul, made my teeth hurt with his whiny answers. Gov. Mike Huckabee invoked Ronald Reagan four times in one answer. Rep. Tom Tancredo, who said he would be delusional to think he could win the presidency, still insisted on helping to clutter up the stage. He invoked Benjamin Franklin. Now that’s reaching a long way back to find someone who agrees with your point.

Dumb question of the night: Blitzer asked several candidates if they believed in Creationism. I can’t imagine for a millisecond, a moderator asking for an answer to an irrelevant question like that from a Democrat. This kind of stuff is meant to belittle religion and undermine the candidates’ credibility by its sheer divisive intent. To his credit, Huckabee was quick to point out the obvious irrelevancy to Blitzer’s question, and I think he did it well enough to turn it into an embarrassment for CNN and Blitzer. Blitzer then asked Sen. Brownback “where do you stand on evolution?” The Senator handled the question respectably when he certainly could have excused himself from having to answer it at all.

Blitzer pushed the issue by asking McCain if Creationism should be taught in schools. Reaching back to Huchabee’s answer, McCain pointed out these people aren’t running for a seat on the School Board.
Gov. Romney of course had to answer the inevitable Mormon question which he handled with ease and class. He shouldn’t have even been asked.

When the questioning got to global warming, it was apparent Mayor Giuliani buys into it all, at least for the votes. But if you’re buying into something for the votes, you just compounded any problem you may have with credibility.

There wasn’t as much armchair quarterbacking as there was with the Dems’ debate. The GOP candidates accepted responsibility for the woes they’ve wrought upon themselves and the Country. They were apologists for the war and generally stood by their decisions. I’ll give them kudos for that.

Blitzer accused the Republican Party of being too close to “big oil.” He said there appeared to be too much of an alliance and that that accounts for higher prices. What??!!? Romney tried to be a crowd pleaser by harping on oil company profits but then shifted some blame to the countries selling it to us. Then he and Sen. McCain started sucking up to the ethanol industry. Big, big, suck-ups. Sad.

Overall, they came across as a serious and informed bunch, although I caught Sen. Brownback skirting questions. Gov. Romney looked and sounded presidential. He came off as knowledgeable and articulate. All in all, a crowd pleaser -- relaxed and authoritative. I’d give him the night.

That was pretty much it, at least all I care to think about it for now. I want to move onto something more interesting now that I’ve got that off my chest.


Anonymous said...
Whimpy answers? He's the most conservative member of Congress!

June 11, 2007 12:48 AM