Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I was challenged by “Anonymous” to; before I got off too deep on Michael Moore, watch the Sanjay Gupta “news” report that set him off. I did watch it and I appreciate what Anonymous is getting at (see comment on July 9 blog). That said, considering the amount of MM’s crap I’ve had the displeasure of reading and watching, I find it very hard to come to his aid when he’s complaining about a hatchet job on his hatchet job.

How can anyone think, even for a millisecond, much less live on the hope, that government (healthcare) can even remotely replace something that is governed by profit, with something that people have no incentive to do their best with? My, oh my, someone tell me one thing that government has gotten right over private industry! I’m dying to know. And if MM and his Democrat buddies have their way, helped along with the propaganda they are used to slinging, and which the American public so thirstily absorbs, than I will quite literally be dying to know. Man, I’ve had some serious health issues and accidents in my life. I shudder to think how long ago I would have checked out if my well-being was in the hands of the 511,000 elected buffoons in this country!

Had to get that out of my system!

No wait! There’s more. How on earth can anyone think of socialized medicine as “free” healthcare? Let’s pretend the government has control over it. Where in the hell do you think the money comes from? Think of your taxes increasing by a much larger number than you pay in insurance premiums today. Call that free? Then think about how bloated the system would be with excess everything. Think about how big a bureaucracy it would be just in the sheer number of employees. This part the Dems particularly love…more government employees, more people at the trough, more Democrat voters…the perfect, perpetual election and power machine. This is the government that pays farmers to not grow food! You want to entrust them with your insulin or your chemo? And don’t try telling me Medicare works. It’s a disaster in its inefficiency and drives up the cost of healthcare for the rest of the industry.

Okay, that’s enough!

Where are Amnesty International and the anti-Abu Ghraib prison, Hollywood crowd? Iran stoned a man to death Tuesday for allegedly (a word we like in this country) committing adultery. He was buried to his waist, hands tied behind his back and stoned to death. Women are buried up to their necks, including their arms, when they get stoned to death. Granted, it’s not as bad as verbal abuse or throwing foam footballs at prisoners and showing them pictures of a woman’s breast, but stoning is pretty bad! And not a word from the freak brigade, jet-setting dopes who want me to change my light bulbs and turn off the water while I’m brushing my teeth.

Robert Greenwald, the man behind the documentary “OutFoxed” along with left wingers MoveOn.org and the Sierra Club are asking sponsors of Fox News, particularly Home Depot, to pull spots from the network because it doesn’t tow the leftist line of global warming absolutism. Add to that Robert Kennedy, Jr., calling global warming dissenters traitors and saying they should be charged with treason, and you may want to set your alarm for 2:00 am just to make sure you lose a little sleep about where this kookiness is taking us.

Why are these people so afraid of debate? That in itself is suspect.



Anonymous said...

oh boy! read these article! crazy! Even cows are harming the planet and they don't even drive SUV's. Supposedly global warming will cause droughts and floods. Let's see global warming will cause too much rain and not enough rain. I'm not a genius but that does not make sense.

Anonymous said...

Here's that article that i forgot to post.


Unknown said...

Where it could be taking us ?
It could be taking RFK Jr. to The White House.




JD's Page said...

And I missed the big news...you know, about hell freezing over!